How to Clean White Grout That Has Turned Black?

how to clean white grout that has turned black

White grout makes your kitchen tiles look disgusting and unhygienic. You may be spending one-third of your day in the kitchen, and when you see black grout, you may feel stressed. As a kitchen owner, you need to clean the grout and also take proper steps so that the grout doesn’t come into your kitchen.

So, how do you clean white grout that has turned black? White grout is a type of disease called mold. However, you can use lemon, ammonia, baking soda, white vinegar, and oxygen bleach to remove the grout easily. To remove grout, you can also use acid to get the best performance.

You will get three complete processes from this article to easily and comfortably remove white grout that has turned black. Don’t worry; the article comes with a tools list and a step-by-step process. So, keep continuing.

How to Clean White Grout That Has Turned Black?

White grout comes in your kitchen when you don’t remove waste for a couple of months. Moreover, they also come because of the extreme humidity of the kitchen. That makes the process of removing grout that turns black easy.

Before jumping the following ways, collect the below tools and elements. Most of the elements you can collect from your kitchen. That’s why the methods are less expensive for you.

  • Lemon + vinegar
  • Baking soda + white vinegar + ammonia
  • Oxygen bleach
  • Scrub or brush
  • Hand gloves (for protecting hands)

Method 1: Use Lemon Juice & Vinegar to Remove White Grout That Turns Black

This is my first trick for you. I used this trick to remove white grout, which turns black in my kitchen. It truly worked much better. Just follow the below steps and remove the grout easily and comfortably.

  • Take a small bucket and also take some water from the bucket
  • Drop lemon juice and white vinegar into the bucket and mix them properly
  • Now, you need to use the mixer on the grout and wait 15 to 20 minutes so that the mixer is set properly
  • Finally, use a scrub or a brush to clean the mixer and grout. Keep using the scrub until the grout is not removed.

Complete these points, and I strongly believe that you will be successful in removing white grout. Use lemon juice more than white vinegar.

Method 2: Using Baking Soda, Ammonia, & Vinegar to Remove Grout

It is one of the most powerful ways I have ever found to remove strong white grout that’s turned black. You can follow the process below if you fail to remove grout in multiple ways.

  1. Fill up 7-cups of warm water in a bucket. Added ¼ cup baking soda and ¼ cup ammonia.
  2. Take an old brush and mix them properly. Keep continued mixing until it becomes mixed properly.
  3. Take a spray bottle and drop the mixer on the bottle. Spray on the affected areas and wait for a minimum of 10-minutes.
  4. After completing all the above steps, you should use a scrub to clean the areas. Use water to get the final result.

To clean grout, you can use cold or hot water in the final stage. Use this process once a time in a month so that the grout doesn’t come out in your kitchen.

Method 3: Try Oxygen Bleach to Remove White Grout Which Turns Black

The process is looked like some of the above processes. Without making any mistakes, you can follow the below guidelines properly.

  • Mixed powdered oxygen bleach and warm water on a spray bottle
  • Spray the affected areas and wait for 15-minutes so that the mixer works properly
  • If you notice that the mixer oxygen and warm water soaked up within 15-minutes, you need to spray some more mixers on the affected areas.
  • Once done, you can use a scrub, old cloth, or a brush to clean the areas and get a clean grout-free area.

Don’t use much Oxygen with warm water because it reflects a lot, and sometimes the affected areas are damaged. Of course, you need to use powdered oxygen bleach to get a better performance.

FAQs (Frequently Ask Questions)

Q: How do you get black grout out of white grout?

Answer: You can use lemon juice, baking soda, white vinegar, and other substance to remove black grout from white grout. You can check out the above ways to follow the process and properly use the elements.

Q: How do you fix black grout?

Answer: It is easy to fix blackened grout and simple to follow the proper steps. However, vinegar, baking soda, and ammonia work far better than others. Moreover, you can also use oxygen bleach to solve the problems.

Q: Why did my grout turn black after cleaning?

Answer: Because of mold and humidity. When your kitchen is full of mold or humidity, the grout is black after cleaning. So, you need to ensure that your kitchen does not come with much mold and humidity. You can also use a humidifier to solve the problem.

Q: Can you use a magic eraser on tile grout?

Answer: The magic eraser works on tile grout when the grout is normal and doesn’t attack the tile deeply. However, it would be better for you to use white vinegar, baking soda, or oxygen bleach to solve the problem.


How to clean white grout that has turned black? Your mind raised this question multiple times because they always come back to the kitchen. But removing grout that turns black is truly easy enough. Vinegar, baking soda, and oxygen bleach work far better on black grout. So, apply the above ways to your black grout and solve the problem.

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