Black Grout Turned White After Cleaning | 2 Scientific Ways

Black grout turned white after cleaning

Black grout turned white after cleaning means the grout comes with some problems. The grout turns white because of efflorescence. Efflorescence makes the grout white colour from black colour when it comes with slats and some other elements.

Now, what can you do with white grout? Is it harmful to the tile or floor? I know your mind raised lots of questions about this matter. Don’t worry; from this article, you will get your questions answered and discover some simple but effective methods to solve the problem.

Black Grout Turned White After Cleaning

First of all, you should find out why your tile or floor black grout turns white after cleaning. It is due to salt, hard water, humidity, and mould changing the colour and destroying the grout.

So, how can you fix this problem so that the grout keeps safe and you don’t need to worry about it anymore? The methods I will share with you are truly effective and instantly worked.

How to Keep Away Black Grout Turned White After Cleaning?

In this section, you will discover two simple ways to keep your grout black. So, collect the equipment and tools to complete the process.

  • Lemon and hot water
  • Vinegar, ammonia, and baking Soda
  • A brush
  • A bucket
  • Spray bottle

Method 1: Use Lemon & Hot Water

Lemon and hot water are truly working against humidity and inside problems. But how can you apply them?

Well, take a bucket with a minimum of 8 cups water and ¼ cup lemon juice. Use an old brush to mix them properly. Pour the mixer into the spray bottle to spray on the affected areas. After spraying, wait for a minimum of 15-minutes and clean the grout. I strongly believe that the problem should be solved.

Method 2: Apply Vinegar, Ammonia, & Baking Soda

This method can use to remove white spots on your black colour grout. Note that it is easy to use, and you can also apply it on your white grout and then turn it black in the future without getting any future issue.

To complete the process, you need to get a bucket. Mix in 8-cups of water and ¼ cup of vinegar, baking soda, and ammonia. Mix them properly. You can use a brush to mix them perfectly. After mixing, apply them on the grout and wait about 10 to 15 minutes to get the best result.

These two methods are now popular among the clear who provide cleaning service. Note, before applying the above methods, you should wear hand gloves to protect your hands.

How to Remove White Residue from Grout?

White residue is a strong element which hard enough to remove. But it has strong mould, dust, and some other elements. Fortunately, nothing is impossible. You can easily remove white residue from grout using powerful acid.

According to my experience, muriatic acid diluted works far better than some other acids. Well, you can use 10 ounces per gallon of water with this acid. Now, use a scrub or old brush to clean or remove white residue from the grout.

Note that acid is powerful, so you need to protect your hands and body from the acid. Use eye-protective glass, hand gloves, and other safety elements to hassle-free use the acid.

Grout Turning White After Drying

After drying or cleaning, the grout turns white because of efflorescence. It is a moment of mixing salt and minerals. However, the grout that turns white or black is also caused by mould and humidity. No doubt, you can easily remove white grout after drying the grout. How?

To remove white grout, you can use vinegar, baking soda, oxygen bleach, and some other elements. I suggest you check out the above two methods and follow the process to solve the issue.

FAQs (Frequently Ask Questions)

Q: How do you clean black grout that has turned white?

Answer: Using some elements, you can clean black grout that has turned white. Use vinegar, ammonia, baking soda, lemon juice, and other things. These elements are powerful and natural for removing black grout than has turned white.

Q: Why does grout turn white after cleaning?

Answer: The grout turns white because of several reasons. The main reason is due to efflorescence. Moreover, mould and humidity are other factors that make the grout turn white. These elements also make the grout black and some other colours.

Q: How do you restore black grout?

Answer: If your grout colour is white and recently it becomes black, you can turn it back using vinegar, baking soda, and some other elements. I would love to suggest you follow the above 2-methods to bring back the black grout when it turns white.

Q: Does grout efflorescence go away?

Answer: No, grout efflorescence doesn’t go automatically. You need to take proper steps to remove them from the grout. Due to this element, your grout may destroy and also looks ugly. Vinegar, baking soda, and oxygen bleach work against efflorescence.


Black grout turned white after cleaning is a common problem for most tiles or floors. But, users can easily remove the white grout using household elements. No doubt, vinegar, baking soda, and other elements work against this problem.

But, you should use the elements properly way so that they work easily and effectively. Don’t forget to use the above methods to remove white grout because of efflorescence.

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