Can You Replace a Round Toilet with an Elongated Toilet Seat? [4 Things You Need to Keep in Mind]

Can you replace a round toilet with an elongated toilet

Round and elongated toilet seats look similar, but they are widely different. When you assemble a round toilet and recently thought that an elongated toilet seat may be far better for your bathroom, your mind raised only this question.

Can you replace a round toilet with an elongated toilet seat? It is hard enough to say the answer yes or no. Because you may be capable of assembling or replacing the round toilet seatwith an elongated toilet seat, on the other hand, you may need help to replace the toilet. So, which one is true?

I know the answer could be more precise for you. Don’t worry; you can check out this article for further information and a clear concept.

Can You Replace a Round Toilet with an Elongated Toilet Seat?

Before replacing the round toilet with an elongated toilet seat, you should measure some serious points. If the following points are properly adjusted with the elongated toilet seat, you can easily replace the round toilet.

Or, if the answer is negative, you should not go for replacing the round toilet with your elongated toilet seat. So, let’s check out the following points.

  • Check out the rough-in measurement. If the rough-in size comes with a minimum 14-inches size, you can start to replace it.
  • Elongate toilet always demands large size bathroom. When your bathroom is large, you can replace your round toilet with an elongated one.
  • Let’s discuss fixings. Most elongated toilet seats come with top fixing, which you also need to keep in mind.
  • Check out the drainage pipe and holes. If the round toilet adjusts with your elongated drain pipe size, you can easily replace the round toilet with the elongated toilet seat.

These 4-points you need to keep in mind before starting to replace. When they are not matched properly, you should understand that the round toilet is not ready to replace with an elongated toilet seat.

Will an Elongated Toilet Seat Fit on a Round Toilet?

Will an Elongated Toilet Seat Fit on a Round Toilet

Yes, the elongated toilet seat fits on a round toilet when the measurement is properly applicable. The toilet seat and bowl of these two toilets are also replaceable.

However, the dimension of the toilet seat looks similar, so you can use the elongated toilet seat with a round toilet. Similarly, the nuts and holes are essential factors in this matter.

The distance between the elongated toilet seat hole and the round seat hole is 5.5 – 7.5″ (14 – 19cm). It would help if you chose the nuts between this size so that the holes are easily full-fill and the toilet seat becomes secure.

Bigger Toilet Seat for Small Toilet

Bigger and small toilet seats are designed based on the customer’s needs. But, sometimes we choose the wrong toilet seat, like a bigger one, but we need to use a small one. So, what can we do about this matter?

In this situation, consider replacing the bigger toilet seat with a small toilet. Well, you can do it, but you will face some common problems. Here is the list of what you need to remember to do that.

  • Check out the rough size;
  • Nuts and screws need to use the proper size;
  • If the toilet seat size is extra-large, you should avoid assembling it on the small toilet;
  • Check out the toilet seat model with your toilet so that you can easily make the right decision;

You should avoid assembling bigger size toilet seats for a small toilet. Because of the broken problem, moving issue, and also occurs several problems.

My Round Toilet Seat Is Too Small

It is common that round toilet seat comes in small size because round toilets always come in small size. But you will discover various sizes of toilet seats for your round toilet. If your toilet seat is too small, you should change the toilet seat and choose the correct size.

Before choosing a toilet seat for your round toilet, you need to keep in mind the accurate size of the toilet. You can also say the model number of your toilet to the seller so that they can provide you with a perfect size toilet seat.

Some Additional Information (FAQs)

Q: Can I put a bigger toilet seat on a round toilet?

Answer: It is tricky to assemble a bigger toilet seat on a round toilet. According to plumbers, the nuts, holes, screws, toilet seat, and other things are hard to adjust with the toilet seat. So, you should avoid putting a bigger toilet seat on a round toilet.

Q: Can I change Round toilet to elongated?

Answer: The official answer is yes. You can change the round toilet to an elongated toilet seat. But you should keep in mind that the holes, screws, and other things properly come with them. Generally, a round toilet is easy to replace with an elongated toilet seat.

Q: Which is better toilet round or elongated?

Answer: No doubt, both toilets are popular nowadays. But elongated is better than a round toilet. Why? Because elongate provides extra comfort, is easy to assemble, and is suitable for any age, especially for a weighty person. But, round toilet provides narrow performance.

Q: Do elongated toilet seats fit all toilets?

Answer: No, elongated toilet seats are only fitted with some of the toilets. Because there are plenty of toilet shapes, models, and assemble systems on the market. So, you can only tie some of the toilets with the elongated toilet seat.

Wrapping Up!

Can you replace a round toilet with an elongated toilet seat? It is possible when all of the measurements full-fill. But you may need to spend some extra time to replace it. If you can avoid replacing a round toilet with an elongated toilet seat, you can check out the above 4-points to make a proper plan and replace it without making any mistakes.

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