Urine Stain Around Base of Toilet | 3 Effective Ways

urine stains around the toilet

Do you have small children at your home and haven’t yet gotten potty trained? Then it is a common thing that urine stains come to your toilet. The toilet is not only affected by urine stains, but also the toilet bowl is also affected by this problem. Generally, the urine stain colour becomes yellow, brown, and green.

Staying urine stain around the base of the toilet is ugly, unhygienic, and produces a bad smell. You have to take proper action to remove urine stains from your toilet and toilet bowl. However, I am going to use household elements and some other things to remove urine from the toilet. Check out the following three methods to get a perfect solution.

How to Get Rid of Urine Stain Around Base of Toilet?

If you want to remove urine stain which comes in yellow, brown, or green color, you can check out the following 3 methods. However, you will get here household elements and outside of household elements to remove this problem.

1. Using White Vinegar & Baking Soda

The acidic properties of white vinegar and baking soda are well-known as cleaning elements. You can use multiple areas to clean things. However, I am going to use white vinegar and baking soda to remove urine stains from the toilet. So, here we go.

  • Step 1: First of all, you need to wear safety gloves so that your hand can safe
  • Step 2: Mix white vinegar and baking soda properly and make them paste
  • Step 3: Apply the paste to the urine areas. Try to add some extra paste so that the paste easily works
  • Step 4: Let them sit overnight and check out the next morning
  • Step 5: In the morning, you need to take a scrub to clean the affected areas

You have to complete these 5 steps to hassle-free remove urine stains from the toilet and toilet bowl. Try to use a strong silicone scrub to clean the toilet comfortably.

2. Using Grapefruit Oil with White Vinegar

Probably, you will be surprised to apply this element to remove urine stains from your toilet. These ingredients are much more powerful in removing different types of stains. So, let’s get started and remove the stain from the toilet.

  • Step 1: Pour 10-15 drops of grape oil and a half cup of vinegar into the bucket. After that, you need to fill the warm water on the bucket.
  • Step 2: It is time to apply the solution to the affected areas. So, drop the mixer on the stained areas properly.
  • Step 3: After applying the mixer, you have to wait 10 to 15 minutes
  • Step 4: Now, take your scrub and gently remove the stain. Note you should not rush because of scratching the toilet.
  • Step 5: Finally, you should flush the toilet and get a clear toilet.

This method helps you a lot to hassle-free remove urine stains from your toilet. If you still face this problem, you can check out the final method.

3. Using Hydrogen Peroxide

This is one of the most powerful ways you can follow to remove urine stains from your toilet. It is a homemade solution. So, you don’t need to purchase anything from outside of your home.

  • Step 1: First, you must take two tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide. You can also take the hydrogen with a spray bottle to use it hassle-free.
  • Step 2: After putting the hydrogen on the spray bottle, you can start to spray the elements on the stained areas. You should spray multiple times on a single area.
  • Step 3: After spraying, you should wait for a minimum of 30-minutes so that they can work properly
  • Step 4: Use a scrub to clean the areas. Create some extra pressure so that the stains are easily removed.
  • Step 5: Finally, you should flush the toilet to get a crystal and clear toilet

Hydrogen Peroxide is widely used as a cleaner. So, you can easily and safely use this ingredient to solve the problem. However, before applying this element, you need to wear hand gloves so that your hand becomes safe.

How to Remove Human Urine Stains from Tile Floor?

Most of the time, urine stain comes on the tile floor or toilet because of human. However, using several things, you can easily remove human urine stains from tile floors or toilets. For example, you can use white vinegar and baking soda to clean urine naturally.

On the other hand, you can also use grapefruit oil with white vinegar to solve the problem. Hydrogen peroxide is another powerful element which also ready to remove human urine stains from the tile floor and toilet.

FAQs (Frequently Ask Questions)

Q: How do you remove stains from the base of a toilet?

Answer: To get rid of stains from the base of a toilet, you can use several things. According to my experience, white vinegar and baking soda work naturally. If you want to use the more powerful thing, you can also use hydrogen peroxide.

Q: What is the stain around the toilet base?

Answer: The stain around the toilet base means the wax ring seals and leaks the underneath the floor. Moreover, it also created several problems. The stain also affects the toilet’s drainage system, and finally, you cannot use the toilet.

Q: What is the brown stuff under the toilet rim?

Answer: The brown stuff under the toilet rim is stained. It calls brown stain, which comes from human pee and waste. Moreover, when you don’t clean your toilet regularly, your toilet faces this problem.

Wrapping Up!

Urine stain is sucked for the toilets. It made the toilet unhygienic, looked ugly, and created so many problems. Moreover, urine stain also affects toilet drainage areas which are stuck in several things. So, you have to remove the urine stain. I suggest you follow any of the above methods to remove urine stains from your toilet and make the toilet healthy.

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