How to Remove Toilet Paper Holder from Tile Wall? [With & Without Screws]

There are two ways I found that you can apply to remove toilet paper holders from the title wall without any damaging problems. The tile is sensitive, especially when you are going to remove a toilet paper holder which doesn’t come with screws.

So, how to remove toilet paper holder from tile wall? First, you need to know that the toilet paper holder comes with screws or without screws. Here, you will discover two methods to remove toilet paper holders from tile walls such as screws and without screws.

How to Remove Toilet Paper Holder from Tile Wall?

First of all, I am going to share a proper method to remove toilet paper holders from tile walls which come with a screw system. After that, you will discover the non-screw removal method. So, you can follow any of the methods in which your toilet paper holder comes.

How to Remove Toilet Paper Holder without Screw from Tile Wall?

Before starting this method, you need to collect some important tools such as glue. Moreover, you can also choose sandpaper for cleaning. However, check out the following steps to complete the process.

Step 1: Hold the Toilet Paper Holder

To complete this step, you need to hold the toilet paper holder in your two hands. Now, it is time to up and down the toilet paper holder creating some pressure. When you do that the toilet paper holder loses and remove it from your hand.

Step 2: If not Removed

I strongly believe that you can remove the toilet paper holder with your hand. But, if you think that the toilet paper holder strongly attaches to the tile, you can use a heat gun to heat the glue areas. You need to set up a perfect temperature so that the tile doesn’t affect it.

After using a heat gun, I think you can easily remove the toilet paper holder. If you still failed to remove the toilet paper holder, you let me know in the following comment box.

How to Remove Toilet Paper Holder with Screws from Tile Wall?

When you think that your toilet paper holder comes with a screw system with your bathroom tile wall, you can complete the following process. Note, collect Philip’s number 1 screw and you can also wear hand gloves to avoid dust.

Step 1: Set Up Screwdriver

First of all, you need to set up the screwdriver on the screw of the toilet paper holder. You need to press the screwdriver on the screw so that each of the screws removes properly. If the toilet paper holder screws come with rusted problems, you can use some oils.

Step 2: Hold the Toilet Paper Holder

Now, you should hold the toilet paper holder in both hands. Create some extra pressure to turn up and down so that the toilet paper holder comes out. Here, you don’t get any glue system so it is easy for you to remove the toilet paper holder.

How to Install Ceramic Toilet Paper Holder on Tile Wall?

Toilet paper holder is not only a good and decorative tool in the bathroom but also it is essential for everyone. In ceramic tile, it is more important to install. However, check out the following way with a step-by-step process to install ceramic toilet paper holders on tile walls.

Step 1: Choose a Perfect Location

You choose a place where you can easily access it. The majority of the bathroom install the toilet paper holder right side of the commode. So, you should also choose a place where everyone gets easy access.

Step 2: Mark the Hole Areas

Hold the toilet paper holder in the place where you want to install it. Now, take a pencil and keep them on the hole and mark the areas so that you can easily hold it in the right place. It is truly important to hold the toilet paper holder strongly so that you can mark the right areas.

Step 3: Hole the Marking Areas

Now, it is time to hole the marking areas. You should take a drill machine to mark the areas. Moreover, you should take a perfect size drill pin based on the toilet holder screw size. Start the drill machine and smoothly make the holes.

Step 4: Safety Tips

When you are making the holes, you need to use some water so that the tile is not dry and breaks down. It is also important to take a proper break after making one hole and wet the holes with vast water so that you can comfortably make other holes.

Step 5: Install New Ceramic Toilet Paper Holder on Tile Wall

Finally, hold the toilet paper holder on the wall where you have holes. After that put each of the screws on the holes. You can use the number 1 Philips screwdriver to tighten the toilet paper holder.

FAQs (Frequently Ask Questions)

Q: How do I get my toilet paper holder off the wall?

Answer: You can remove the toilet paper holder from the wall. After removing the toilet paper holder, you can put glue on the hole so that it can be off and you can install the toilet paper holder anytime.

Q: How do you remove tile from toilet paper holders?

Answer: If you want to remove tile from toilet paper holders, you need to take help from several tools. However, you can contact us to get the best method.

Q: How do you reattach a ceramic toilet paper holder?

Answer: First of all, you need to know your ceramic toilet paper holder comes with screws or glues. If you think that your toilet paper holder comes with a screw system, you can follow the above 5-steps.


When you want to remove the toilet paper holder from the tile wall, you need to keep in mind that your bathroom tile is wet enough. However, you will easily remove the toilet paper holder from the tile wall whether it is screwed or without a screw. Do you have any questions or queries? You can contact us without any hesitation.

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