Gunk Around Toilet Base | How to Prevent?

gunk around toilet base

When you see gunk around your toilet base, you need to understand that the toilet base wax ring seals the toilet underneath and is leaking. The color of the toilet base ring also changes because of black bacteria, mold, and some other elements.

Undoubtedly, you have to remove gunk from the toilet. It creates bacteria and germs and makes the toilet unhygienic. But how can you remove gunk around the toilet base, or what things do you need to use to protect the toilet from this problem? Keep reading to get a detailed answer.

Gunk Around Toilet Base

Gunk comes with several colors in your toilet, which looks ugly and makes the toilet unhygienic. Gunk is made of bacteria, iron, sulfur, and so on. This problem comes out when your toilet doesn’t clean regularly and has perfect chemicals.

It is true that gunk doesn’t come with a single problem because this problem origin from different types of elements. However, let’s discuss in detail about this matter and remove gunk from the toilet base without spending much money.

How to Remove Gunk Around Toilet Base?

Of course, you need to remove gunk from your toilet to keep the toilet healthy. But how can you remove gunk around the toilet base? In this article, you will discover two simple and effective household methods to remove gunk. Stay connected.

How to Remove Gunk Around Toilet Base Using A Sharp Knife?

You can use a sharp putty knife if you want to remove the gun from your toilet or other areas. Though it is risky to apply, it truly works much better. So, wear protective hand gloves and follow the below steps.

  • Step 1: First, you must collect a knife from the market. You have to choose a putty knife that is made of stainless steel. If possible, choose a high-carbon blade knife.
  • Step 2: Start to remove gunk from the end side. You can use hot water to soften the gunk if it is too hard to remove.
  • Step 3: When you are removing gunk from your toilet base, you need to keep in mind that the blade is away from your side and toilet.

These three steps are essential to use a putty knife for removing gunk. Note you need to be careful when you are using a knife.

How to Remove Gunk Around Toilet Base Using Bleach?

This is another gunk-removing method that you can follow to remove gunk from your toilet base. If the gunk is much harder, you can drop some hot water so it can soften and easily apply bleach.

  • Step 1: Mix bleach with water properly in a pot. After that, you need to mix them properly.
  • Step 2: Now, it is time to apply bleach and water mixer on the affected areas. Note, you need to apply many mixers on the areas and let them for 1 hour so that they can sit and work.
  • Step 3: After 1 hour, you need to remove the gunk. You can use a scrub or a brush to remove the gunk. Create some extra pressure so that gunk can hassle-free remove.

Bleach works against gunk and removes gunk deeply from the base of the toilet. It is also inexpensive, and you can easily remove the gun using bleach.

Brown Gunk Around Base of Toilet

Your toilet base turns on brown gunk, which means the base is affected by several things. For example, bacteria, germs, minerals, hard water, and other things. These things are ready to make toilet base brown gunk.

Undoubtedly, gunk makes your toilet base unhygienic and looks ugly to remove. To remove brown gunk around the base of the toilet, you can use a sharp putty knife or bleach. These two things are ready to remove guns without taking much time.

Orange Stain Around Base of Toilet

Orange stain is another problem which we find the base of the toilet. This problem comes from calcium carbonate, iron, and other problems. To solve the problem, bleach and a sharp putty knife are the best solution I have ever found. Check out the above step-by-step guideline to solve the issue.

FAQs (Frequently Ask Questions)

Q: How do you clean gunk off bottom of toilet?

Answer: If you want to clean the gunk off the bottom of the toilet, you have to use bleach, a sharp putty knife, and some other things. When you find gunk hard enough, you can drop some hot water so that gunk becomes soft, and you can easily remove the gun from the toilet.

Q: How do I clean the grout around the toilet base?

Answer: It is tricky to clean the grout around the toilet base because of needing to apply several things. But you can use baking soda, bleach, a sharp putty knife, and other things to remove grout around the toilet base.

Q: What does toilet mold look like?

Answer: Mold is a common thing on our toilet. The toilet mold looks like different colors. First of all, you will get brown, green, and rust color. On the other hand, from a toilet mold, you will also find coffee and some other colors.


Gunk is unhygienic and ugly to look at. When your toilet base is affected by the gunk, that means the base also comes with iron, hard water, and some other harmful elements. Moreover, bacteria, germs, and sulfur are the main culprits which make the toilet gunk. Don’t worry; you can choose any of the above methods to solve the problem as soon as possible.

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