Can You Put a Clock in the Bathroom? [But why]

Can you put a clock in the bathroom

So, can you put a clock in the bathroom? Yes, you can put a clock in the bathroom to maintain your routine time, helps you to spend less time in the bathroom, and also get several benefits. A clock also sets your mind for the next task, which is also important.

No doubt, putting the clock in the bathroom helps you to get lots of benefits. In this article, I will share the pros, cons, and other information about putting a clock in the bathroom.

Can You Put a Clock in the Bathroom?

Before jumping to the main section, you should have some questions in your mind. For example, whether your bathroom truly needs a clock or not. Where you need to put the clock, and others, however, let’s know some pros and cons about putting a clock in the bathroom.


  • Putting a clock in the bathroom always helps you to maintain your daily routine.
  • It helps you to reduce the time spending in the bathroom
  • You can easily plan your next work to see the time
  • The clock is always aware of you to maintain the time properly


  • Putting the clock on the bathroom may hinder your bathroom, which may not be a good option for your health condition.

Why You Need a Bathroom Clock?

You can keep a clock in your bathroom to get some extra benefits. How? The clock helps you to make a proper time sense to work from the morning.

Moreover, the clock always helps you to reduce the time wasted in the bathroom, which is truly helpful. By looking at the clock, your brain tricks you into the next task subconsciously.

Furthermore, a bathroom clock is far better for those who need to remember and keep a long-time plan. You should put a clock in the bathroom to get a better experience in your whole day’s work and reduce wasting time.

Placement of A Bathroom Clock

When you are going to install a clock in your bathroom, you should do something or don’t. For example, you can’t install a clock where you hardly watch. Moreover, installing the clock near the shower door should be avoidable.

However, check out the following areas where you can easily install the clock. Let’s get started.


The countertop is one of the best solutions to install the clock. It is a practical area where you can put your clock. To install the clock in this place, you should choose a simple, small, and lightweight clock. It would be far better for you to use a perfect color because light affects the color.

The Wall

Wall is a traditional way to attach clocks. However, you can also assemble the clock on the wall. But, it would help if you kept in mind that the clock was installed in some above areas so that the water can’t come to the clock.

Shower Door

Though you should not assemble the clock on the shower door, you can use the shower door if you need more space on the other sides of the bathroom. However, you need to put the clock on the top side of the shower door so that the water can’t affect at any cost.

Wall Clock in Bathroom

A Wall clock in the bathroom is popular and easy to mount on. There are different types of wall clocks have which designed for bathrooms. You can choose any of them for your bathroom.

The round-the-clock and square clocks are popular on the bathroom wall. Most importantly, you should avoid choosing a waterproof bathroom wall clock. Because your bathroom comes with water and the water spreads any kind of space.

FAQs (Frequently Ask Questions)

Q: Where should you not hang a clock?

Answer: You should not hang a clock in the bathroom in some of the spaces. For example, you can only keep a clock in the bathroom where you can see the clock. Moreover, you should also avoid a space where water comes out.

Q: Where can I install my clock in the bathroom?

Answer: Well, you can install your clock on the bathroom walls, countertop, ceiling, shower door, and some other spaces. You should keep in mind only two things when you are going to install the bathroom cock. For example, you need to install the clock in a space where you always keep focus and avoid water.

Q: Is putting a clock in the bathroom good enough?

Answer: It depends on the person. If you are a person who spends lots of time in the bathroom and doesn’t maintain a routine because of spending time, you should use a clock in the bathroom. Moreover, putting the clock in the bathroom helps you to get some extra advantages.


Can you put a clock in the bathroom? The answer is yes. You can put a clock in the bathroom to get lots of advantages. On the other hand, some things could be improved by keeping the clock in the bathroom. The pros and cons section may help you make the right decision to keep the clock in the bathroom.

The western countries, people’s bathroom comes with a clock because of use time properly. So, you can also maintain your time by keeping a clock in the bathroom.

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