Apartment Bathroom Renovations [How To Save?]

Condo Bathroom Renovations

When renovating your apartment bathroom, it is important to consider the common walls and plumbing in your building. It is also wise to consult a certified building contractor, as this will save you time and money. 

If you have decided to redesign your bathroom in an apartment, you must know the cost of the project. An apartment renovation is typically 30% more expensive than a renovation in a house. In addition, there are restrictions on the design of a apartment bathroom due to the rules and the existing building design. Fortunately, there are some ways to save money while still maintaining the high quality and style of the room. For example, you can use cost-efficient porcelain tile for your shower walls and accent it with more expensive tile. You can also buy prefabricated shower and tub kits, which are lighter and more affordable.

You will likely have to work with an interior designer or architect to make the changes, which can run anywhere from 10 percent to 20 percent of your total budget. You may also have to pay a small additional amount for a homeowners’ association approval.

Another factor that affects the total cost of a apartment bathroom renovation is the permits needed to make changes. If you want to turn a bathtub into a shower, you will need a permit, which can cost $5,000. An architect will also be needed to make sure your plans are compliant with any laws or codes. Architects can charge up to 15 percent of the total cost, but you can ask your general contractor for a referral.

The final stage of the renovation process involves installation. The amount of labour involved will vary based on the complexity of the project, the amount of customization, and the overall size and configuration of your space. However, a bathroom renovation should cost no more than 30 percent of your overall project costs. This amount should cover materials, permits, and fees.

A complete renovation may cost up to $4,000. This price is determined by the size, style, and location of the bathroom, as well as the type of fixtures. In addition, the type of plumbing and electrical work will also affect the total cost.


There are a variety of requirements when it comes to apartment bathroom renovations. These changes could include replacing the old bathtub or shower with a newer model, replacing the flooring, or adding new fixtures. Depending on the level of customization you want, you may also have to install overhead fixtures or reroute ventilation.

An apartment bathroom renovation can also require a permit from the local government. Additionally, many apartment boards require that the renovations adhere to specific design guidelines, or the apartment board may require the use of specific contractors.

Then, check with your building’s management about the requirements for adding a bathroom. Some buildings require bathrooms to be ADA-compatible, which means they must have adequate clearances in front of and around the door. In addition, make sure to consult with your architect to determine what permits are needed to add a bathroom to your apartment.

If you’re not sure about apartment board rules and regulations, consider contacting your apartment’s property manager. The property manager can help connect you with the apartment board and hand you the relevant paperwork. Apartment boards are often learning as they go, so it pays to ask before starting a project.

In some cases, apartment board members will require homeowners to pay hefty fines if their renovations violate the CC&Rs. Fortunately, there are a variety of exemptions that allow you to make certain changes without the permission of the HOA. While you may be able to do interior painting or trim work without HOA approval, the HOA will require that you get approval for the rest. You may also have to replace light fixtures, outlets, and switches.


Natural marble is a classic and elegant choice for apartment bathroom renovations. However, white marble tends to stain, scratch, and crack easily. A more durable option is a marble with multiple stones. This type of marble is also suitable for kitchen countertops. It can look elegant and timeless in any apartment.

You can save money by using prefabricated tubs and showers. They are often lighter in weight, and they require fewer materials. Moreover, renovating a apartment bathroom can add value to the property, especially if you plan to resell it in the future. Here are some tips to keep in mind when planning your remodel.

Demolition of the existing wall covering can be done at no cost, but it is recommended to be cautious as asbestos-containing material may be present. This was used in the construction of buildings in the past as a thermal insulator, fire retardant, and thermal absorbent. Dumping these materials can cost a lot of money, so you should avoid them if possible. Alternatively, you can use a dumpster. A 10 cubic yard dumpster can hold up to three thousand pounds of materials.

If you are working within the apartment association, you can benefit from working with a third party. By coordinating the deliveries, a third party can streamline the process. This way, you can avoid booking elevators dozens of times and keeping the materials stacked for long periods. The third party will also coordinate deliveries of furniture and materials.

Before you start a renovation project, check your apartment board’s rules. These regulations may affect your budget and the layout of the bathroom. You must be aware of the hours that the board is open and if any permits are required. It is vital that you follow any regulations to ensure your project does not cause any problems.


When you’re planning an apartment bathroom renovation, you’ll have a number of things to consider. For one thing, the weight of the new tub or flooring can affect the overall structure of the apartment building, and there may be a drop ceiling to consider. Additionally, moving electrical wiring and plumbing can be more complicated in a apartment than in a residential remodel. Finally, you’ll want to consider the layout of the bathroom as well.

As you’ll be paying a contractor to do your bathroom renovation, you’ll want to make sure you get a good deal. The cost of a bathroom renovation can vary widely. Some renovations may cost less than $100, while others may cost as much as $2,000 or more. When it comes to labour and materials, you’ll want to hire a company that offers a warranty and is insured, rather than a handyman from a website like Craighlists.

Before hiring a contractor, find out exactly what your apartment association allows and doesn’t allow. Many buildings have specific guidelines when it comes to renovating bathrooms. While they may allow you to install new countertops and cabinets, you might have to check with the board to determine whether it’s okay to change anything else. Also, there may be restrictions when it comes to the type of flooring you’re allowed to install.

While choosing a contractor, you must know your HOA’s regulations before committing to a bathroom renovation project. Some HOAs require approval of certain design decisions, while others may require the contractor to adhere to certain timeframes. Regardless of the size of your new bathroom, choosing the right contractor will make the process easier and less stressful.

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