How to Remove Stubborn Stains from Toilet Bowl?

How to remove stubborn stains from toilet bowl

If your toilet waterline and shower waterline are similar, it may be a chance to affect your toilet bowl by the stubborn stains. Hard water especially comes with high mineral content, which mainly affects your toilet bowl. The toilet bowl also comes with stubborn stains because of magnesium, calcium, bicarbonates, and sulfates.

So, how to remove stubborn stains from toilet bowl? It is much more difficult to remove than anticipated. To get rid of stubborn stains, you will use household elements like a Bon-Ami, baking soda, white vinegar, and lemon juice. These elements are just as effective in removing stubborn stains from your toilet bowl.

This article provides you with three effective ways to remove stubborn stains properly. Let’s try these natural ways and if you are failed to remove stains using these elements, then we will use some powerful acid to remove the stains.

How to Remove Stubborn Stains from Toilet Bowl?

What will you need to start removing stubborn stains from the toilet bowl? Collect the below elements and start to remove the stubborn stains.

  • 1 Measuring cup
  • A scrub or Toilet Brush
  • 1-box baking soda
  • 1-quart vinegar
  • 1-box Bon Ami
  • 1-box borax

How to Remove Stubborn Stains from Toilet Bowl Using Baking Soda & White Vinegar?

White vinegar and baking soda are two common versatile products. These two elements are used for laundry, pet odor removal, etc. Most importantly, the elements are capable to remove extremely hard water from the toilet bowl or other areas.

Note, they are free of toxicity and won’t harm you. That’s why this process is suitable for an entry-level person. So, let’s get started to remove a stubborn stain from your toilet using these two elements.

Step 1: Pour the Vinegar

Use your measuring cup and measure 2 portions of vinegar. Make sure that you apply the vinegar on the stained areas. Let it sit for a 1-minute to work effectively.

Step 2: Added Baking Soda

Again, you need to use a measuring cup to add baking soda. Added 1 cup of baking soda to the toilet bowl. At the same time, you should apply 1 or 2 cups of white vinegar. After doing that, you should wait for a minimum of 10 minutes.

Step 3: Clean with Toilet Brush

Scrub the affected area with the toilet brush. Create some extra pressure on the areas where you use white vinegar and baking soda. Drop some elbow grease (it is not mandatory). Don’t use over-elbow grease because it may scratch your toilet. Don’t flush yet.

Step 4: Let the Solution Sit

You should provide some time for vinegar, baking soda, and grease so that they can work properly. Well, you can wait for a minimum of 30 minutes to get a better result. After finishing this time, you will flush the toilet and see that the toilet is clean properly.

How to Remove Stubborn Stains from Toilet Bowl with Bon Ami and Vinegar?

Bon Ami is a type of harsh quartz-based powder cleanser. This element is strongly worked against hard water and stubborn problem. With this element, I also used baking soda and vinegar to remove a stubborn stain from the toilet bowl.

Step 1: Add Bon Ami Element

First of all, you should add 1/4 –a cup of Bon Ami into the toilet bowl. Drop Bon Ami on the affected areas so that it can work fast.

Step 2: Added some White Vinegar

Added 1 cup of white vinegar to the toilet bowl. After that, you should wait for 20 minutes. Make sure that the white vinegar drops in the right place.

Step 3: Scrub the Bowl

After 20 minutes, you should scrub the toilet bowl. Use your brush to scrub properly. Don’t rush. Clean the whole bowl carefully so that the stains are easily removed.

How to Remove Stubborn Stains from Toilet Bowl with Borax Paste?

If you need to remove the very stain, you will use borax paste. Is it confusing? Don’t worry; follow the below process step-by-step to get the best solution.

Step 1: Shut off & Flush

Before starting the whole process, you need to shut off the water valve and then flush the toilet. You should make your toilet bowl properly dry to use borax paste.

Step 2: Mixing the Paste

To make the paste, you should take 1/2 cup of borax and ¼-cup of white vinegar on the clean cup. You will also take a crystal cup to make the paste.

Step 3: Spread the Paste

Once you have made the paste, you should spread the paste all over the section of the toilet, especially in stubborn stain areas. Wait for a while so that the paste works properly.

Step 4: Remove the Paste

After waiting 15 to 20 minutes, you can remove the paste. You will use a scrub to remove the paste. The sponge works here far better to remove a stubborn stain from your toilet bowl.

FAQs (Frequently Ask Questions)

Q: How do I remove a severely stained toilet bowl?

Answer: To remove a severely stained toilet bowl, you should apply some ingredients to the toilet. For example, you should apply white vinegar and baking soda, Bon Ami, hot water, and some other elements.

Q: How do I remove brown stains from the toilet bowl?

Answer: You will use plenty of elements to remove brown stains from the toilet bowl. But, Bon Ami, white vinegar, baking soda, and some other elements are working far better. It would be better for you to check out the above article and follow any of the ways to remove brown stains.

Final Verdicts!

How to remove stubborn stains from a toilet bowl? Stubborn stains are stronger than some other types of stains. So, you should apply strong ingredients to remove the stubborn stain. I would love to suggest you check out the above 3 methods to remove the stain. If you are still confused about this matter, you will let me know in the following comment box.

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